At Prime Transport Solutions we recognise that trading in today’s challenging economic conditions is tough, we understand that every penny counts and ultimately can be the difference between a successful profitable business and one that is struggling financially to keep its head above water. With this in mind we believe that the cost savings you will bring to your business when you change over to the PTS50 from conventional winding legs are far too good to pass up.
The PTS50 offers cost savings in fuel and man hours due to the efficiency of the Pneumatic legs against hand winding legs. Over all there is a 97% decrease in engine idle time and driver downtime when carrying out the process of lowering or raising the landing the legs by reducing a 3 minute cycle time to a 5 second process.
Basing the Diesel price at £1.16 per litre or $3.38 per gallon and using an hourly rate of £12 or $20 for a truck driver; using PTS50 landing legs rather than manually operated traditional hand wound legs, on average 4 x times per shift(2 x drop and hook), we have estimated the following cost savings:
10 x trailer fleet operation = £7,230 or $11,010 per annum
50 x trailer fleet operation = £36,150 or $55,050 per annum
100 x trailer fleet operation = £72,300 or $110,000 per annum
But your savings will not stop there!….Overall trailer weight is reduced by a minimum of 15 KGs per set, the PTS50 is lighter than all similar models with the same static load capacity which will see a further reduction in fuel costs on every mile/km travelled.
Trailer down time and lost man hours due to problems with damaged landing legs that cannot be wound up manually will also be a thing of the past. The PTS50 system can be manually raised if the pneumatic system is damaged, the trailer can then continue on its route before returning to the depot for maintenance. This saves extortionate mechanical call out charges and fees.
One of the largest trailer repair costs in conjunction with landing legs is the damage from crank handles not properly stored after operation. This leads to damage to the cranks, side sheet damage and more as other trailers are pulled in and out make contact with the handles, so reducing repair cost from yard damage is a real cost saving.
Trailer yard space can now be as critical to a business as overheads. As depots become busier and the need for efficiency and trailer space increases, the PTS50 system provides a huge benefit. Requiring less space in between each trailer to be operated, the PTS50 delivers against conventional wound leg which require extra room for the handle and driver to operate offering huge space and efficiency gains.
By reducing the required working distance of 4ft between trailers, which is needed to manually operate hand wound legs safely; to 2ft, the space needed to operate the PTS50 safely, you will benefit from huge space savings….please see examples below.